Boldly Sourced, Bottled and Distilled in Osoyoos, BC

Enjoy a Tumbleweed Caesar

May is Caesar Month

A Caesar is a cocktail created and primarily consumed in Canada. It typically contains Clamato (or other caesar mix), hot sauce, and Worcestershire sauce, and is served with ice in a large, celery salt-rimmed glass. Try our Tumbleweed version using our Tumbleweed Vodka for a uniquely refreshing cocktail.

Main alcohol: Tumbleweed Vodka

Ingredients: Lime wedge, 1 crisp Celery stalk or Pickled Bean, Celery salt

Preparation: Rim a highball glass with the juice from the lime wedge and a combination of celery salt. Add the Maple Moonshine and clamato juice. Season with pepper, Worcestershire and Tabasco sauces to taste. Stir well. Garnish with a celery stick or pickled bean.

Served: On the rocks

Standard garnish: Stalk of celery, Wedge of lime

Drinkware: Highball glass


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